aplonHUB, Sample MT messages for Testing


This is a sample MT103. Make sure that before you place the file in the input folder gives it a unique id up to 16 characters in tag 20 (line 2 :20:HEREAUNIQUEID)

{1:F01AAAAGRA0AXXX0057000289}{2:O1030919010321BBBBGRA0AXXX00570001710103210920N}{3:{108:MT103 003 OF 045}{121:c8b66b47-2bd9-48fe-be90-93c2096f27d2}}{4:

MT103 Return

This is a sample MT103 return message which you may receive in case the beneficiary wants to return an MT103 you've sent earlier.

MT103 Return
{1:F01AAAAGRA0AXXX0057000289}{2:O1030919010321BBBBGRA0AXXX00570001710103210920N}{3:{108:MT103 003 OF 045}{121:c8b66b47-2bd9-48fe-be90-93c2096f27d2}}{4:
  1. From field 72 we can understand if the MT103 is a payment Return or not. If the files starts with /REJT/ or /RETN/ it s a return.

  2. Next to the /REJT/ or /RETN/ we can find the tag that cause the return , in that case the rejection caused from the 50K of the original MT103

  3. In the second line we have the reason code, similar to SEPA, in this case is AC01 (Incorrect account number)

  4. In the third line , we have the tag 20 of the original MT103 with the /MREF/ prefix

MT192 Request for cancelation

For every incoming MT103 we receive , we may receive a cancelation request, in an MT192 message. The structure of the MT192 is quite simple. 

:79:Cancelation request comment

  1. Tag 20 has a unique reference of the MT192
  2. Tag 21 should have the tag 20 of the original message
  3. Tag 11S should have the originals message type in the first line, in our case 103 and in the second line the date that the original message was sent in YYMMDD format.
  4. Tag 79 should have some comments following the cancelation request. If tag 79 is not present then the mandatory tags of the original MT103 should be present but since this is for test let's keep it simple 

MT196 Answers

For every MT192 we send we should receive an MT196 positive or negative. If MT196 is positive then we should receive an MT103 Return as well. 

MT196 Reject

MT196 Reject
  1. Tag 20 has a unique reference of the MT196
  2. Tag 21 should have the tag 20 of the sent MT192 message
  3. Tag 76 Should have the result of the cancelation request. If it starts with /RJCR/ means that our request was rejected. A reason code should follow the /RJCR/ result code in that case is the AC04

MT196 Accept

MT196 Reject

Result code CNCL indicates that the recall request we sent was accepted and an MT103 return should follow. 


MT940 is a format used by the SWIFT network to send and receive end-of-day bank account statements


When matching with incoming or outgoing transactions tag61 is used for correlation with the statements as follows:

  1. For incoming MT103 or PACS008 the Debit/Credit Mark of tag61 needs to be 'C' and the value used for transaction matching is either the Txid of the Outgoing Mt 103 or the MsgId of the Outgoing Pacs008 GrpHdr. E.g. :61:190523C2,70NTRF21052019022//2578562903371
  2. For outgoing MT103 or PACS008 the Debit/Credit Mark of tag61 needs to be 'D' and the value used for transaction matching is either the Txid of the Incoming Mt 103 or the MsgId of the Incoming Pacs008 GrpHdrE.g. :61:190523D2,70NTRF21052019022