Incoming Status Report for an Incoming Credit Transfer

Once aplonHUB send out a positive PACS.002.001.* as a reply to an incoming PACS.008.001.0*, in some cases , depending on the provider, should wait for an answer in order to finalise the transaction. In that case , once aplonHUB receives an incoming PACS.002.001.* will forward the following request to the backoffice , in the POST endpoint specified in the Configuration → System Properties → Instant payments configuration → New Instant Payments Action Core Banking URL

{ id: "12345", //status id of pacs.002.001.* originalTransactionId: 'TRANSACTIONID', //id of the incoming message originalSepaTrnHedSn: 123, // aplonHub id of the incoming message sepaTrnHedSn: 1234, //aplonHub id of the received pacs.002.001.* messageNameId: 'pacs.002.001.*', rejectionReason: 'AC01' or 'SOME PROPRIETARY VALUE' //if any. If it's null then the transaction was accepted, inOutIndicator: 'I', charges: { amount: null, currency: null } }