Incoming Instant Credit Transfer
Once aplonHUB receives a request for an incoming instant payment (pacs.008.001.*) , will forward the following request to the backoffice , in the POST endpoint specified in the Configuration → System Properties → Instant payments configuration → New Instant Payments Core Banking URL
"sepaTrnHedSn": 1234, //aplonHUB id for this payment
"instantCategory": "NORWAY" or "SEPA,
"inOut" : "I", //always "I"
"settlementMethod": "CLRG", //specs given by schema
"clearingSystem": "NOR", //specs given by schema
"localInstrument" : "INST" //specs given by schema
"settlementDate" : "2019/03/21",
"creationDateTime": "2023/03/24 15:51:26.621",
"acceptanceDateTime": "2023/03/24 15:51:29.621", //optional
"currency" : "NOK" or "EUR",
"amount" : 10.00,
"creditorName" : "Creditor customer",
"creditorAddress" : ["Creditor Address 1", "Creditor Address 2"], //optional, up to 70 characters each
"creditorAccount" : "NO1299930599981",
"creditorAgent" : "TOSTNO22",
"debtorName" : "Betaler",
"debtorAddress" : ["Debtor Address 1", "Debtor Address 2"], //optional, up to 70 characters each "debtorAccount" : "NO1599960512348",
"debtorAccount" : "NO1299930599981",
"debtorAgent" : "TESTNO21",
"messageId": "TESTNO2120230324155126622",
"messageNameId": "pacs.008.001.02",
"transactionIdentification": "9996-999400000001", //up to 35 chars
"instructionIdentification": null, //optional, up to 35 characters
"endToEndIdentification": "999400000001", //an id up to 35 characters or "NOTPROVIDED"
"chargesBearer" : "SLEV", //always SLEV
"remittanceInformationUnstructured" : [ "Some info" ], //optional, array of strings up to 140 chars each,
"rejectionCode" : "AC01", //if this field is not null then the payment is rejected (e.g., invalid txId, 20 seconds threshold passed, etc)
"categoryPurpose":"XXXX", //specs given by the schema
"additionalFields": { //other elements of the ISO 20022 message that may be used by the schema
"key1": "value1",
"key2": "value2",
Additional Fields
Additional fields will contain extra elements that may be used by each schema.
Json Property | XML Element |
creditorCountry | Cdtr/Ctry |
debtorCountry | Dbtr/Ctry |
creditorCountryOfResidence | Cdr/CtryOfRes |
debtorCountryOfResidence | Dbtr/CtryOfRes |
creditorOrganizationIdOtherId | Cdtr/OrgId/Othr/Id |
debtorOrganizationIdOtherId | Dbtr/OrgId/Othr/Id |
creditorOrganizationIdOtherSchemeNameProprietary | Cdtr/OrgId/Othr/SchmNm/Prtry |
debtorOrganizationIdOtherSchemeNameProprietary | Dbtr/OrgId/Othr/SchmNm/Prtry |