Outgoing Instant credit Transfer
PUT /instant/credit/transfer
This API is used to send an outgoing instant credit transfer
Method: PUT
Endpoint:Â /instant/credit/transfer
Sample Request Body
"instantCategory": "NORWAY" or "SEPA,
"inOut" : "O", //always "O"
"settlementMethod": "CLRG", //specs given by schema
"clearingSystem": "NOR", //specs given by schema
"localInstrument" : "INST" //specs given by schema
"settlementDate" : "2019/03/21",
"creationDateTime": "2023/03/24 15:51:26.621" //if null aplonHUB should put the current date time,
"currency" : "NOK" or "EUR", //depending on the schema
"amount" : 10.00,
"creditorName" : "Creditor customer",
"creditorAddress" : ["Creditor Address 1"], //optional, up to 70 characters each
"creditorAccount" : "NO1299930599981",
"creditorAgent" : "TOSTNO22",
"debtorName" : "Betaler",
"debtorAddress" : ["Debtor Address 1"], //optional, up to 70 characters each
"debtorAccount" : "NO1599960512348",
"debtorAgent" : "TESTNO21",
"messageId": "TESTNO2120230324155126622", //if empty aplonHUB should generate one
"messageNameId": "pacs.008.001.02", //depending on the schema
"transactionIdentification": "9996-999400000001", //up to 35 chars, If empty aplonHUB should generate one
"instructionIdentification": null, //up to 35 characters
"endToEndIdentification": "999400000001", //optional, 12digits char for NICS, if null aplonHUB will put NOTPROVIDED
"chargesBearer" : "SLEV", //always SLEV
"remittanceInformationUnstructured" : [ "Some info" ] //Optional, array of strings up to 140 chars each
"categoryPurpose":"XXXX", //specs given by the schema
"clearingSystem": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", //specs given by the schema
"additionalFields": { //other elements of the ISO 20022 message that may be used by the schema
"key1": "value1",
"key2": "value2",
Responses | |
Code | Description |
200 | OK |
Additional Fields
Extra elements may needed according to the specific schema. Those elements should be added in the additional elements property. Some properties that may be used here are
Json Property | XML Element |
creditorCountry | Cdtr/Ctry |
debtorCountry | Dbtr/Ctry |
creditorCountryOfResidence | Cdr/CtryOfRes |
debtorCountryOfResidence | Dbtr/CtryOfRes |
creditorOrganizationIdOtherId | Cdtr/OrgId/Othr/Id |
debtorOrganizationIdOtherId | Dbtr/OrgId/Othr/Id |
creditorOrganizationIdOtherSchemeNameProprietary | Cdtr/OrgId/Othr/SchmNm/Prtry |
debtorOrganizationIdOtherSchemeNameProprietary | Dbtr/OrgId/Othr/SchmNm/Prtry |
Sample Successful Response
"status": "OK",
"payload": 150,
"errorCode": null,
"errors": null
Failure Sample Responce
"status": "FAILURE",
"payload": null,
"errorCode": null,
"errors": [
"Invalid creditor BIC : A"
Failure Sample Responce