Responses | |
Code | Description |
200 | OK |
Additional Fields
Extra elements may needed according to the specific schema. Those elements should be added in the additional elements property. Some properties that may be used here are
creditorCountry | Cdtr/Ctry |
debtorCountry | Dbtr/Ctry |
creditorCountryOfResidence | Cdr/CtryOfRes |
debtorCountryOfResidence | Dbtr/CtryOfRes |
creditorOrganizationIdOtherId | Cdtr/OrgId/Othr/Id |
debtorOrganizationIdOtherId | Dbtr/OrgId/Othr/Id |
creditorOrganizationIdOtherSchemeNameProprietary | Cdtr/OrgId/Othr/SchmNm/Prtry |
debtorOrganizationIdOtherSchemeNameProprietary | Dbtr/OrgId/Othr/SchmNm/Prtry |
debtorAddressLine1 | Dbtr/PstlAdr/AdrLine (in case debtor has more than one lines in the address) |
creditorAddressLine1 | Cdtr/PstlAdr/AdrLine (in case creditor has more than one lines in the address) |
Sample Successful Response