aplonHUB™ Features
Parse and store Supports incoming and outgoing SWIFT MT, ISO20022, TARGET2 and SEPA messages, SEPA, CBPR+, MEPS, P27
Handles Credit transfers, Direct Debits, Instant Credit transfers, Direct Debits.Payments, MT to ISO20022 translations
Checks and validates all messages and generate generates alerts where appropriate
Alerts on erroneous messages are highlighted in separate views where an operator can review
Supports reach rich search capabilities on archived . Search is done messages based on dates, status, or message contents.
Ability to display all SWIFT MT messages parsed.
MT messages Messages can also be exported as on well-defined and user-friendly PDFs.
It correlates related messages (e.g. MT19x, MT9x against payment messagesReplies, Returns) and displays them side-by-side for easy of reconciliation.
Incoming MT300 and MT320 are compared with equivalent outgoing messages. The differences between the two will be highlighted.
Ability to automatically generate reply/request for cancelation/returns/Rejects for SWIFT MT, SEPA or ISO20022 messages
Integrates with SWIFT ACKs/NACKs
Connects with external AML systems and bypasses messages according to rulesGenerates the Universal Confirmations via MT199 for incoming MT payments
Security & Auditing
Role-based access control (maker, authorizer, viewer, administrator, AML officer etc.)
Audit log availability with an extensive search on date, object, action, or user.
Local Authentication (LAU) is implemented as recommended by SWIFT in order to provide integrity and authentication and to protect files in transit between the application and the AutoClient.
Modern and user friendly UX/UI
Secured by design (three-tier)
API architecture by design
High availability by design
Components & subsystems
Basic ingredient The basic ingredients of aplonHUB are the SWIFT MT, ISO20022, CBPR+, TARGET2 and , SEPA, etc., libraries of PaymentComponents. These libraries are updated annually as the new rules and validations are published by the controlling authorities every year. At these times, a newer release of aplonHUB is published and distributed.
aplonHUB depending on the functionalities supported , includes the relevant subsystems and components. See below the list of the subsystems available.
Available Schemes
SEPA credit transfersCredit Transfers
SEPA Direct Debits
SEPA Instant payments
ISO20022 TARGET2 payments
ISO20022 CBPR+ migration of MT paymentsPayments
Available Translations
SWIFT MT <> Target2
Technical specifications
aplonHUB™ is a Java-based web application, which can be deployed using any J2EE compliant application server or servlet container (e.g.: JBoss, Tomcat, Websphere).
It supports all leading RDBMSs, including MySQL, OracleDB2, and SQL Server (preferred).
Requires Java 8 and above.
Clients can access the application from any web browser
aplonHUB User Manual
aplonHUB provide provides a variety of distinct roles. Each role has specific permissions in the platform. This way, actions can be distributed to various users with different levels of access.
The administrator of the system has access to the configuration of the system. He/she The user is provided with access to the system properties, which can be edited. Through the basic system properties, for example, the global configuration is available ( interconnections with SFTP, FTP, MQ, BICs, and password policies). Through the custom system properties, the option of customized configuration for different clients is given.
From the schedulers and their settings, the user can configure:
The input/ouput output folder
Emails to notify on process end
Fle File pattern for the files to read (i.e. *.csv)
Configure the scheduler execution
The AML status and its name can be edited
The user also has access at to the users of the system. From this menu he/she , the user can:
view the users
edit roles
enable/disable user
From the Incoming and Outgoing menus, the following actions are available:
View SEPA messages and their details, view files, and change the AML status
View MT messages and their details, view files, and change the AML status
Search messages
View File logs
Change the AML status
The Authorizer Officer has access to both incoming and outgoing messages (SEPA and MT).
From the Incoming and Outgoing menus, the following actions are available:
View SEPA messages and their details, view files, and change the AML status
View MT messages and their details, view files, and change the AML status
Search messages
View File logs
View all the pending transactions waiting for authorization. Note that the user who authorize authorizes it should be different from the user that initiate initiates the action
Use the Custom Notification setup events to send notifications from the schedulers, like when a rejection is received send an email
Add rules to be handled by the schedulers. For example, when the amount is greater than 100, then do a specific action
Add holidays so that to avoid scheduled runs
Use Audit Trail Trail to watch watch for actions that happened on a transaction. For example, bulked, debulked, authorized, etc
Can pause or resume a pending outgoing transaction , from the Pending → Outgoing menu
View SEPA messages and their details, view files, and change the AML status
View MT messages and their details, view files, and change the AML status
Search messages
Recall outgoing payments (requires authorization)
Return incoming payments (requires authorization)
View File logs
View alerts
View all the pending transactions waiting for authorization. Note that the user who authorize authorizes it should be different from the user that initiate initiates the action
Create payment
Use Audit Trail Trail to watch watch for actions that happened on a transaction. For example, bulked, debulked, authorized, etc
From the Incoming and Outgoing menus, the following actions are available:
View SEPA messages and their details, view files, and change the AML status
View MT messages and their details, view files, and change the AML status
Search messages
View File logs
View at the outgoing messages all pending transactions that will be picked up by the next outgoing scheduled run
Use Audit Trail Trail to watch watch for actions that happened on a transaction. For example, bulked, debulked, authorized, etc
From the Incoming and Outgoing menus, the following actions are available:
The Direct Debits Config role has access only to the "SEPA DD Config" menu.
From this menu, the user can:
Perform all the operations of the Creditors List, whose content is necessary for setting up SEPA Direct Debits.
Can whitelist Creditors for SEPA Direct Debits configuration.
Can blacklist Creditors for SEPA Direct Debits configuration.
See below sample screens and explanations
of their functionality.
Incoming/Outgoing menus.
SEPA tab:
The user in this tab has access to the list of the incoming SEPA messages, the file log, and alerts.
Using criteria such as date, tags, and other searching messages is made simple.
Files are expandable to display the messages they contain and their details (the same apply applies to outgoing too).
At SEPA, by selecting a file, the user can view detailed information
Bulk SN
Message Name ID (i.e camt.027)
Settlement Date
Message ID
Total amount
For each message, available details can also be viewed. Details like:
Transaction SN
Transaction Id
Transaction statusStatus
The creditor's account
The user has the option to export the files, bulks, and transactions in PDF or excel report.
This is a list of outgoing payment files (similar for to incoming).
A payment file (outgoing or incoming) can contain more than one messagesmessage.
Any message can also contain more than one transaction
In each of the transactions, the user can view its detailed information.
Outgoing payment is returned
An outgoing pacs.004 that has been returned with a reason code.
Return of incoming payment
An incoming pacs.008 that can be returned with a reason code.
After the return action has been authorized by another user, a task scheduler will take action and create an outgoing file (in this case, a pacs.004) related to the original message (pacs.008).
Expanded SWIFT MT messages with user-friendly tag names. Audit An audit trail of all actions performed by users on the message is always available.
At the search messages tab, the user can search messages using the following criteria:
Transactions status (received, settled, etc)
Debtor IBAN
Creditor IBAN
The Pending menu organizes the payments in into two categories. Outgoing that are payments which that are ready to be sent, and Authorisation that contains payments which that a user must manually check and approve before they are sent.
The outgoing tab provides allows the user with the option to export the file in pdf or ecxel Excel format.
An authoriser authorizer can also PAUSE a ready-to-go transaction for later. By The user will see the paused transactions by selecting the Paused option in the dropdown above the list you will be able to see the paused transactions. Those transactions will be ignored by all schedulers until an authoriser choose authorizer chooses to RESUME this transaction (see the bellow screenshot)
For Debtor information:
Country code
For Creditor Information:
Country code
Remittance Information (Unstr)
Configuration Tab
Configuration The configuration menu provides options for the setup of system settings (basic and custom that increase the user experience), AML statuses, scheduled tasks, notifications, and rules regarding actions depending on custom conditions and holidays that are configurable by the administrator.
Audit Trail Tab:
User roles with access at to the audit trail screen have the ability to search using criteria. For every action, the actor, the time, and the context are recorded.
Users with access at the users' tab can enable/disable a user and search for a user using criteria such as: